The Art of Sandra Yagi

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Andreas Vesalius, Father of Anatomy, oil on panel, 20x16, 2020

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Octoskull #2, oil on panel, 18x18, 2020


T-Rex Skull, Oil on panel, 24x24, 2017 Private Collection

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Trepanation #2, oil on panel, 24x18, 2016 SOLD

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Inner Venom, oil on panel, 16x16, 2020 SOLD

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Fox and Crows, oil on panel, 24x24, 2016 SOLD

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Skull with Hamster Wheel, oil on panel, 24x24, 2016

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Breakaway, oil on panel, 24x24, 2015 SOLD


Octoskull, oil on panel, 24 x 24, 2013. SOLD

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Anatomical Chimp with Hide - oil on panel 2011

anatomical chimp w skull

Anatomical Chimp with Skull - oil on panel 2011

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Release, oil on panel, 24x20, 2014

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The Lizard Part of My Brain #2, oil on panel, 20 x 20, 2011 SOLD

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Lizardbrain 2, oil on panel, 2011, 19.75x19.75 SOLD

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Lizardbrain, Oil on Panel, 2010, 24 x 24 SOLD

the Lizard part of my brain copyright

The Lizard Part of my Brain, oil on panel, 2008 (SOLD)

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Trepanation, oil on panel, 24 x 18, 2011 SOLD

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The Hatchlings #2, oil onpanel, 18x24, 2014

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Skull with Boxing Twins, oil on panel, 20x20, 2016

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Skull with Rowing Twins Twins, oil on panel, 20x20, 2016

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